ፎረም 65 | Forum 65

  • Forum 65 is the 65Percent.org discussion forum. We hold discussions on current events from a National Reconciliation and Consensus perspective. 
  • We hold discussion with our regular panelists, and guest panelists. 
  • Muxannoo ሙጠኖ is a Forum 65 interview program focusing on life experiences and encounters. Muxannoo is an Afan Oromoo word, it means experience/ተሞክሮ.
  • Comments or suggestions? Email us at info(at)65percent.org. Remember to replace (at) with @.

ተልዕኳችን | Our Mission

“65 ፐርሰንት” ትርጉም? የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ 65 በመቶው እድሜያቸው ከ24 አመት በታች ነው። ተልዕኳችን ለመጪው ትውልድ የመግባባትን ፓለቲካ በአርአያነት ማውረስ ነው። ግባችን ለፓለቲካዊ እርቅና መግባባት መሟገትና ፋና ወጊ መሆን ነው።

What is “65 percent”? 65% of Ethiopia’s population is under 24 years old. Our mission is to model a culture of political concensus for the 65%. Our goal is to advocate for, and initiate reconciliation and consensus among Ethiopians.

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